Krishnan Photography

Thattekad – Malabar Parakeets

December 13th,2017

I did a quick one day trip to Thattekad, again.  The last time, I had lost my favourite RX-100 while birding. Eldhose later called and informed me that he had found the camera. It had fallen down between the tail-gate and the spare wheel of his Mahindra bolero. And the camera was working fine too 🙂 Lucky me !

This time I around,  took along my Nikon 600mm F4.  The 600 is a way too long a lens for his hide setup. I wish I had my 300mm 2.8. One can only shoot so much “BOS” ( bird on a stick ). I tried a few action shots but , too much a focal length for this hide.

My wish to see the malabar parakeets came true. A bunch  came in to feed. Mighty shy bunch though.

Malabar Parakeets from krish photo on Vimeo.

Another new birdies for me was the “Philippine Shrike”.

There there was this Flameback Woodpecker defending its perch

My turf- Buzz off from krish photo on Vimeo.


My fav shot ” Lets play Tennis” [ Tail of the racquet tailed drongo]

Trip Reports

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