Krishnan Photography

Gone nuts under a fruiting banyan tree !

November 8th,2011

I was in Bangalore over the weekened with a relative with no camera and , zero thoughts of birds. But, luck was on my side and to my pleasant surprise,  his balcony juts into a huge old Indian banyan tree.  And , to top it all, the banyan tree was fruiting !  Oh maaan, the amount of bird chirps in the morning was something to hear.  Lots and lots of birding from the balcony itself !  I made do with a borrowed Nikon D7000 and a 70-300VR .

Happiness is …..birds, camera and having chai (tea)  and dosai while shooting from the balcony !!!!  🙂

Here is that awesome tree.

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The trees were full of mostly Mynas. We saw Koels, parakeets, Barbets  and a Golden Oriole.

Asian Koel Female (Nikon D7000, 70-300 VR, ISO 400, 1/250 @ F5,6)

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Chestnut Tailed Starling (Nikon D7000, 70-300 VR, ISO 800, 1/800 @ F5,6)

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Chestnut Tailed Starling (Nikon D7000, 70-300 VR, ISO 800, 1/500 @ F5,6)

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Chestnut Tailed Starling  (Nikon D7000, 70-300 VR, ISO 800, 1/800 @ F5,6)

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Oh and another thing. By mistake I shot the whole morning in AF-A mode.  One word, AF-A sucks for such situations ….wish I had noticed and changed to AF-C !

Trip Reports

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