Krishnan Photography

Flight Photography

November 9th,2009

The ferry  from Gateway to Alibagh is a good one to practice some flight shots.

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Nikon D3, 300mm 2.8 VR, ISO2000,  1/1600, F5 , Ev +1

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Nikon D3, 300mm 2.8 VR, ISO3200,  1/2000, F5 , Ev +1

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Nikon D3, 300mm 2.8 VR, ISO3200,  1/2500, F5 , Ev +1

All pics Nikon D3 ,  300mm 2.8 VR , Handheld,  No crop, minimal processing.

Click on details link at bottom right of each individual image and then, again click details under “Photo Properties”  to see the full Exif.

Alibagh from Ramdhaneshwar ( Blazing Noon sun !)

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For all the pics from this shoot Click Here

Trip Reports

2 responses to “Flight Photography”

  1. Hi Krishnan

    I am Priyam Malhotra. I came just stumbled upon your blog as i searched bird
    photography on Google. I really want to tell you that i was just speechless
    after going through it. You bird photographs, that tiger which was published
    in the jetlite magazine all of them just amazing!!! Truely simply love your
    work… Was so impressed that i browsed through every page of yours from the
    first post when you used Sigma 50-500mm to the lates when u have a D3 with
    300mm + TC … All of your photographs are superb. I am myself trying to
    learn photography and am really just pulled towards wildlife. You
    photographs are portray the amazing wildlife of India. The Tiger and the
    Lizard Hug are my favorite shots.. Keep up the great work and keep updating
    the blog with more content.

  2. You are simply amazing. went through your site and apart from your excellent pics also read some of your jargon ridden coments on the science of photography. I am really impressed and proud of you. It is good that you have this magnificent obsession. This will stand you in good stead throughout your life. This will keep you happy, healthy and I am sure you will one day willbecome world renowned although you care least about it. The credit goes no less to Manju who encourages with full involvement without cribbing.

    Merry chritmas and happy new year.

    Our best wishes and blessings.
    Appa & Amma

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