Krishnan Photography

Balcony Landscape

December 1st,2013

Got up early on a Sunday to wait for the Peregrine Falcon. Sure enough it came but, was way high up today.

But the landscape was looking interesting . This is what it was like 🙂

Nikon D3, 600mm F4 + TC17,   ISO5000, 1/400th @ F11

Nikon D800E, 600mm F4 + TC17,   ISO2000, 1/400th @ F9

Nikon D3, 600mm F4 + TC17,   ISO5000, 1/320th @ F11

Nikon D800E, 600mm F4 + TC17,   ISO2000, 1/320th @ F9

Nikon D800E, 600mm F4 + TC17,   ISO3200, 1/800th @ F11

And a practice flight shot of a Black Kite

Time Capsule

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