Krishnan Photography

Backyard Birds @ Bandra

February 10th,2008

Who said one needs to travel long distances for birding ? I got lucky again this morning and was happy to bird from the cosy environs of my home with a hot cuppa coffee in one hand and the camera in another ! Couldn’t have hoped for a better start to the sunday !!!

I live in an apartment on the fourth floor. Right outside my window is this yellow flowering tree which attracts a lot of birds. Those wanting to pitch in a new tree, guys dunno what this tree is but it sure does attract a lot of birds all year round. You may have read an earlier post wherein an Amazon Green Parrot had been calling from the same tree. Today the tree was host to a few local Rose Ringed Parakeets that I see flying around in the area. The light was perfect and I managed time to grab my 300mm and try a few shots from in between the grills, of my window. I Grrrr…I hate grills) but, I did manage a few decent ones. More pics in the Birds Gallery.

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The the local Black Kite came in and sat on the coconut palm tree which is right next to the tree that hosted the parakeets.

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Looking around I noticed the Black Kite perhaps building a nest on the Coconut tree. I could view it from another window on the East side. Looks like them birds are beginning to use plastics as well. No way I could avoid the white plastic band in the pic. Geez …what an eyesore. Not a great pic or anything like that but, I wanted to document the usage of plastic by urban birds. Pretty hip eh ? !! Here is the pic in discussion..

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Hardly any post processing on all these pics. So shoot it perfect in camera, and save computer time 🙂

Trip Reports

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