Low tide again in the morning but Rakesh and I went to Airoli in any case. As luck would have it the waders were pretty far away. But I managed a coupla Redshank pics at eyelevel by climbing down on to a beached boat. The Black Capped Kingfisher flew past but perched on the mangroves on the far side, too far for any photography.
This time I took a reading from the camera meter and then set the histogram. The incident meter was giving me 1/4000 th of a second at F4.5 whereas , the camera meter metering a midtone gave me 1/1250th of a second at F4.8. The histo was to the right and the highlights held as well. I went by the camera meter and histogram this time.
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I saw a few crabs coming out of the mud and here is what I got
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